Un avion sanitaire spécial loué pour trois mois assurera une liaison quotidienne [ 35 ] . Après la découverte d’un cas du variant de Covid-19 initialement détecté en Afrique du Sud, Mayotte suspend ses liaisons à l’international pour deux semaines. As of 25 April, more than 2,500 tests have been performed. [98], There were 753 new cases in November, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 5181. Variant sud-africain: Dominique Voynet (directrice de l'ARS de Mayotte) constate "une explosion" de cas de Covid-19. [45], On 18 March, the authorities set up a health control system at Dzaoudzi airport, with volunteer school nurses. [27] By the end of May there had been 1871 confirmed cases and 23 fatalities. Le 247 e cas est confirmé le 31 mars à 15 h par l'ARS, soit 23 cas supplémentaires déclarés en 24 heures [ 65 ] . Mayotte est dotée de sa propre Agence Régionale de Santé (ARS) depuis le 1er janvier 2020. 40% of the deaths are people over 75. A man from the department of Oise, France, arrived in Mayotte on 10 March. 1,600 tests have been performed. Mayotte however is a concern. Coronavirus (Covid-19) - Trois niveaux d'informations pour une analyse complète de la situation : le bulletin régional ; les données départementales et les chroniques du Directeur scientifique de l'ARS Pays de la Loire, le Dr Pierre Blaise. Un point de situation sur le coronavirus est réalisé chaque jour à Mayotte (situation épidémiologique, outils de communication, vidéo à la UNE, liens utiles, ...). La circulation de la dengue se poursuit toujours dans l’île et est stable depuis plusieurs semaines. [74], On 24 April, Mahamoud Hamada Sanda, the Grand Qadi, has called on the population to pray and celebrate Ramadan individually and not to engage in communal meals. [43], On 17 March, a third case, also a traveler, was identified. [87] Not only is the number of cases per capita (3,248/M)[16][44] higher than the French average (2,053/M),[88][89] the number of cases is increasing. The current field hospital is already evolving into a city hospital. [52], On 8 April, a second death related to COVID-19 is announced; just as in the first case, the person presented with aggravating pathologies. Individuellement et collectivement, nous pouvons limiter l’impact de la maladie très efficacement et réduire, à l’avenir, les … His condition worsened, he was hospitalized, moved to intensive care, intubated, placed in an induced coma, but emerged from his coma and was able to breath again. Le 224 e cas est confirmé par l'ARS le 30 mars, avec le premier cas autochtone (personne n'ayant eu de contact avec aucun malade de la Covid-19) [64]. [85], Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said that a decision about deconfinement for Mayotte will be postponed until 13 May. On 20 May, the first death due to COVID-19 was announced. ... Covid-19 – Mesures de soutien aux entreprises . 1,700 tests have been performed up to now. The number of recovered patients increased by 397 to 2721, leaving 202 active cases at the end of the month (17% less than at the end of June). The Union of Reunion Students of France has already expressed their disappointment. [60], On 14 April, health care professionals from France have come to the aid of Mayotte. As in Réunion, the island is also affected by dengue fever. [93], In June there were 732 new cases, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 2603. [99], There were 709 new cases in December, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 5890. [50], On 3 April, MP Mansour Kamardine was hospitalized and tested positive for COVID-19; he was infected locally. The island enters confinement as on French territory. L’objectif est à présent de ralentir sa diffusion avec 3 axes majeurs : Protéger les personnes les plus fragiles ! ©ARS Mayotte . All 325 mosques are closed and will remain closed as long as necessary. [80], On 30 April, Annick Girardin, Minister of Overseas France, has announced a doubling of the tests in Mayotte and the establishment of a field hospital. [100], Recoveries are no longer listed as of 21 August 2020, Source: Point de situation at mayotte.gouv.fr, Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Mayotte, France. L'ARS annonce que 12 patients atteints du Covid-19 présentant des facteurs aggravants ont été évacués à La Réunion, l'un d'entre eux arrivé le 9 mai y décède le 20 mai. [49], On 1 April, the bar of 100 cases was exceeded. Coronavirus, actualité et conduite à tenir Tous les communiqués de presse ARS Guyane relatifs au coronavirus Prévention "Gestes barrières" dans les 19 langues de Guyane (affiches, vidéos, audios) All inmates, guards, and staff have been tested. [81] Mayotte has tested over 3,000 people out of population of 262,895 (2017)[44] up to now. The number of recovered patients was 2324, leaving 244 active cases at the end of the month. [54] The announcement caused a diplomatic rift between Comoros and France. Cette semaine, l’Agence Régionale de Santé Mayotte (ARS) confirme 455 cas de COVID-19 sur le territoire, contre 276 la semaine dernière. It concerned an 82-year-old man who was diagnosed in Mayotte, and was transferred to Réunion on 9 May. Santé publique France publie régulièrement des points sur la situation épidémiologique du COVID-19 à Mayotte en collaboration avec l'ARS de Mayotte, le réseau sentinelle, le Centre Hospitalier de Mayotte et le laboratoire de biologie médicale. 14-16 March missing, but assumed no change. "Coronavirus : Mayotte enregistre un 4ème décès lié au COVID-19", "Plus de 3 morts par jour : la surmortalité se confirme à Mayotte", "Covid-19-Mayotte : La directrice de l'ARS Dominique Voynet favorable à un déconfinement tardif mais " adapté, "En Guyane, à La Réunion et Mayotte, la dengue fait plus de victimes que le coronavirus", "Conditions de vie des ménages en période de confinement", "Selon l'INSEE, le confinement à Mayotte reste compliqué", "Réouverture des écoles les 11 mai : l'association des maires de Mayotte souhaite avoir plus de garantie", "Mayotte va vivre un mois de ramadan pas comme les autres", "Coronavirus : 26 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 ont été identifiés à Mayotte, portant à 380 le nombre total de cas", "Avec 433 cas aujourd'hui, et davantage de personnes hospitalisées, Mayotte est désormais confrontée à son tour à une situation épidémique sérieuse", "Coronavirus : 15 tonnes de fret alimentaire acheminé à Mayotte", "Covid-19 : inquiétude autour de l'absence de communiqué de l'ARS ce mercredi", "Covid-19 : Mayotte passe au stade 3 de l'épidémie avec 539 cas confirmés", "Coronavirus : à Mayotte, doublement des tests et création d'un hôpital de campagne", "Coronavirus COVID-19 à Mayotte : 539 cas confirmés au total", "Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation report 102", "L'imam Abdourahamane Ben Omar, septième victime officielle du coronavirus à Mayotte", "Mamoudzou pleure la disparition du grand Imam de la mosquée du Vendredi, Hadj Abdourahame Ben Omar", "Déconfinement : Aide aux étudiants, Report du déconfinement à Mayotte, les annonces d'Edouard Philippe pour l'Outre-mer", "Mayotte, seul département de France non déconfiné", "LIVE Les plages, les magasins, les hôtels et les lieux de culte vont rouvrir, sous conditions", "Le plan de bataille de l'ARS Mayotte pour accueillir "la vague, "Guéri du Covid 19 au CHM un patient sort de réanimation après avoir frôlé la mort", "Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation report 133", "Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation report 163", "Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation report 194", "82 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 en 1 semaine", "81 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 en 1 semaine", "Covid-19 : l'épidémie ralentit mais reste inquiétante à Mayotte", "140 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 en 1 semaine", "Coronavirus - COVID19 Le préfet de Mayotte annonce la fermeture des établissements scolaires", "Arrêté du 15 mars 2020 portant diverses mesures relatives de lutte contre la propagation du COVID19", "Un contrôle sanitaire renforcé à l'aéroport de Dzaoudzi - COVID19", "Covid19 - Les plages, criques et îlots de Mayotte interdites d'accès", "Ouverture de marchés de producteurs à Coconi, Chirongui, Kaweni COVID-19", "Ouverture du nouveau marché couvert de Sada ce samedi", Public Health Emergency of International Concern, Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing, Sancaktepe Prof. Dr. Feriha Öz Emergency Hospital, Yeşilköy Prof. Dr. Murat Dilmener Emergency Hospital, NHS Nightingale Hospital Yorkshire and the Humber, Kandakadu Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, COVID-19 Response Acceleration Task Force, Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups, Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases, National COVID-19 Coordination Commission, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board (Turkey), Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, Tests, cases, tests per capita, cases per capita by country, Tests, cases, tests per capita, cases per capita by country subdivision, World map by countries: confirmed per capita, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=COVID-19_pandemic_in_Mayotte&oldid=1001169978, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [13], On 4 May, it was announced that the imam of the Friday mosque in Mamoudzou, Sheikh Abdourahamane Ben Omar died of COVID-19. [5] During the month there were 339 new cases, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 3301. The death toll rose to 39. 18 March 2020 - People entering Mayotte must self isolate for 14 days. [79] On 29 April, there was a statement by Dominique Voynet that there were 40 more cases on the 28th and 39 more cases on the 29th. Variant du Covid: un cas confirmé à Mayotte, suspension des liaisons aériennes et maritimes dès dimanche (préfecture) le 16 janvier 2021 à 16h30 par AFP After testing him on 13 March, the man tested positive for COVID-19. [59], On 13 April, there were 207 confirmed cases including 42 health workers. [70] Mayotte is also facing an epidemic of dengue with more than 1,000 confirmed cases. [57], On 11 April, a third death was declared; the number of cases increased slightly to 196. There was no update for 6 May, but there was a statement by. On 31 March, the first person died of COVID-19. [10][8], A man from the department of Oise, France, arrived in Mayotte on 10 March. [6][7], The case fatality ratio for COVID-19 has been much lower than SARS of 2003,[8][9] but the transmission has been significantly greater, with a significant total death toll. [12] The number had been revised down to six on 2 May, because two people tested negative. En effet certaines personnes ont davantage de risques de développer des formes graves de la maladie COVID-19. [67], On 17 April, the fourth death was announced. [64], A positive case was discovered from Comoros where there are officially no COVID-19 infections. the virus is considered under control. [68], On 18 April, it was announced that 108 people had died in March, an increase of 30% compared to 2019. [citation needed], On 10 April, the ARS announced 191 cases, including 41 health professionals; 17 people are hospitalized, including 4 in intensive care; 50 patients are recovered. À la une. 67 people have recovered, and more than 1,400 tests have been performed thus far. The death toll rose to 35. The death toll rose to 40. Elles déclinent les politiques nationales du ministère de la santé en les adaptant à leurs caractéristiques locales (populationnelles, épidémiologiques, géographiques…). Cette situation laisse craindre une nouvelle vague épidémique dans les prochains mois. March 2020. [4] Deconfinement on 11 May is out of the question. After testing him on 13 March, the man tested positive for COVID-19. [56], The report of the Scientific Council on the Evolution of the Coronavirus in the Overseas Territories has been released which calls for strict confinement, doubling of hospital capacity. Covid-19 : le variant sud-africain détecté à Mayotte. [48], On 30 March, the bar of 50 cases was reached. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic was confirmed to have reached the French overseas department and region of Mayotte on 10 March 2020. The death toll rose to 42. [94], There were 359 new cases in July, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 2962. In May, there were 51 new cases, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 471. 15 March 2020 - Social distancing must be observed. Les Outre-mer en continu. They have all been tested prior to boarding, and will not be quarantined on arrival, but have to abide by special precautionary rules. [77], The Armed Forces delivered 15 tons of food to Mayotte. National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, COVID-19 pandemic by country and territory, "Point épidémiologique régional Mayotte Spécial COVID-19 7 mai 2020", "147 nouveaux cas de COVID-19 en 1 semaine", "Coronavirus COVID-19 : 12 nouveaux cas confirmés à Mayotte : 94 au total", "Coronavirus : Mayotte passe au stade 3 de l'épidémie", "Covid-19, des nouveaux cas " à la baisse, "What is coronavirus and how close is it to becoming a pandemic? [92], On 31 May, COVID-19 was discovered in the Majicavo prison. [75], On 25 April, it was announced that a private laboratory will also be doing testing. [84] Ben Omar died in the night of Sunday to Monday. NARI TAHADARI - LE COVID ET LA HONTE - Clap Production, Mayotte la 1ere & ARS Mayotte. 107 have thus far tested positive. [55] On 30 April, Comoros announced its first case. [97], There were 649 new cases in October, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 4428. The situation in Mayotte is considered worrying and therefore calls for an "extra-hospital" structure to isolate the asymptomatic cases. Covid-19 : un cas de variant confirmé à Mayotte, les liaisons sont suspendues dès dimanche Le variant SARS-CoV-2 501.V2, détecté en Afrique du Sud, a été identifié sur l'île. [citation needed], On 31 March, Mayotte recorded its first death. "Le préfet de Mayotte : " on y va à fond ! Alors que la progression du Covid-19 est en net recul en France métropolitaine, Mayotte reste en zone orange, comme l’a annoncé Emmanuel Macron, dimanche soir. [96], There were 478 new cases in September, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 3779. [73], On 23 April, the Association of Mayotte Mayors consider that the conditions for reopening of schools on 11 May as announced by Macron are not met, and want more guarantees. [82] The number of confirmed cases stood at 539 of which 300 were still active. €2 million in food stamps are being distributed. Variant sud-africain du Covid-19 : un cas confirmé à La Réunion Un autre cas positif au variant 501.V2, dit variant d'Afrique du Sud, a été confirmé samedi à Mayotte. Traffic restrictions apply throughout the island. L'Agence régionale de santé (ARS) a confirmé, samedi 16 janvier, avoir détecté un cas positif au variant sud-africain à Mayotte. Le passage au « stade 3 » du plan de lutte contre le COVID-19 a été officiellement annoncé le jeudi 30 avril par Dominique VOYNET, Directrice générale de l'ARS Mayotte. 20 March 2020 - Access to beaches, coves and (uninhabited) islands is prohibited. 22 April 2020 - Farmers' markets are reopened in, This page was last edited on 18 January 2021, at 14:57. 17 were here. [87], On 8 May, Jacques Billant, Prefect of Réunion, confirmed that patients from Mayotte were transferred to Réunion. [76], As of 27 April, Mayotte is the most affected overseas territory, and now has 1,550 cases per million. Portail de l'Etat à MAYOTTE. The shipment consists of fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, eggs, sugar and chocolate but also hygienic products. As a result, all nautical activities have been banned in order to better guard against illegal border crossings by boat. [66], Jean-François Colombet, the Prefect of Mayotte, said that the current situation is a fight on multiple fronts where food aid is also a major issue. ", "High consequence infectious diseases (HCID); Guidance and information about high consequence infectious diseases and their management in England", "World Federation Of Societies of Anaesthesiologists – Coronavirus", "Covid-19 : Avec 79 cas en 48h, Mayotte passe en phase 3 de l'épidémie", "Coronavirus : Mayotte compte huit décès liés au Covid-19", "Coronavirus : Mayotte s'approche des 600 cas de Covid-19", "COVID-19 : Mayotte est classé parmi les départements situés en zone rouge: 596 cas", "Dominique Voynet revient sur la flambée de l'épidémie de Covid", "Jeudi 7 mai : 854 cas confirmés #COVID19 à Mayotte", "Vendredi 8 mai : 890 cas confirmés #COVID19 à Mayotte", "Coronavirus : 98 nouveaux cas confirmés à Mayotte, 988 au total , l'épidémie continue son affolante progression", "Covid 19 : 35 nouveaux cas, 1.023 au total", "Coronavirus : 38 nouveaux cas confirmés à Mayotte, 1061 au total et un décès supplémentaire", "Coronavirus, le bilan grimpe à 14 décès à Mayotte", "Coronavirus : un homme de 41 ans décède, il est la 19ème victime du coronavirus à Mayotte", "Covid-19 : 19 nouveaux cas, soit un total de 1.494", "Covid-19 : un Mahorais de 82 ans décède au CHU après une évacuation sanitaire", "Covid-19 : 44 nouveaux cas, soit 1.743 au total", "Coronavirus : 128 cas et 2 décès supplémentaires en 24 h , la prison de Majicavo , nouveau foyer de contagion", "Covid-19 : 63 nouveaux cas, dont 45 à la prison", "Covid-19 : 7 nouveaux cas, soit un total de 1.993, mais une centaine de résultats en attente à la prison", "Covid-19 : 21 nouveaux cas, soit 2.079 au total", "Covid-19 : 24 cas supplémentaires, soit 2.175 au total et un nouveau décès d'une personne âgée", "Covid-19 : 10 nouveaux cas, soit 2404 au total", "Covid-19 : 18 nouveaux cas, 2.452 au total – Campagne de dépistage ciblé par l'ARS", "Covid-19 : 18 nouveaux cas, continuons les gestes préventifs", "Covid-19 : 14 nouveaux cas, soit 2.540 au total", "COVID 19 : 34 nouveaux cas dont 12 parmi les passagers du vol Air Austral de vendredi", "Covid 19 : 4 cas supplémentaires sur 300 nouveaux tests", "COVID 19 : 27 cas supplémentaires durant le week-end", "Mayotte enregistre un premier cas de Coronavirus", "Populations légales des communes de Mayotte en 2017", "Coronavirus : Mayotte se prépare à " faire face à la vague, "Coronavirus COVID-19 : Point de situation et conduite à tenir", "Coronavirus : à la Guadeloupe, en Guyane, à la Martinique et à Mayotte, la crainte d'une possible catastrophe sanitaire", "Restrictions de circulation sur l'ensemble du territoire COVID-19 Mayotte", "Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation report 72", "Coronavirus COVID-19 : 7 nouveaux cas confirmés à Mayotte : 101 au total", "Le député Mansour Kamardine testé positif au COVID-19", "Covid-19 : Le gouvernement met en place un pont aérien entre La Réunion et Mayotte", "Coronavirus : 184 cas de COVID-19 confirmés au total à Mayotte", "Le grand Mufti des Comores est décédé du Coronavirus", "l'Union des Comores dénonce " Une violation du secret médical et professionnel, "Coronavirus COVID-19 à Mayotte : 191 cas confirmés au total", "Coronavirus: the scientific council fears a worsening of the Overseas situation and recommends "the strict maintenance of confinement, "Coronavirus : Mayotte enregistre un 3ème décès lié au COVID-19", "Coronavirus : Le cap des 200 cas est franchi à Mayotte", "Coronavirus : 207 cas confirmés au total, soit 4 cas supplémentaires en 24h", "Coronavirus : 10 nouveaux cas confirmés en 24h, 217 au total", "Pour le rapatriement des étudiants Mahorais", "Aides d'urgence aux résidents mahorais bloqués en métropole", "Etudiants réunionnais : une aide insuffisante, une pétition pour que le Département et La Région se mobilisent", "Un cas de Coronavirus a été importé des Comores", "Coronavirus : 12 nouveaux cas confirmés à Mayotte, 233 au total". [3] In late April, the virus was out of control, and actively circulating on the island. To alleviate the hospitals, cases were evacuated to Réunion. The death toll rose to 44. [51], On 4 April, an air bridge was setup between Réunion and Mayotte to supply the island with sanitary and food products and if needed health workers. One case died in Réunion who is not counted in the Mayotte statistics. The death toll rose to 49. Le département de Mayotte se barricade pour 15 jours à partir de dimanche 17 janvier, après la découverte d'un cas du variant sud-africain du coronavirus. Des campagnes de tests vont être réalisées dans les localités où l'on observe une augmentation anormale des cas de Covid-19, l'ARS (...) Lire la suite sur Franceinfo. There has been no publication on 1 May, however there was a news story about four more deaths. [5], On 12 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that a novel coronavirus was the cause of a respiratory illness in a cluster of people in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, which was reported to the WHO on 31 December 2019. [62] No plans for repatriation from France have been announced yet, however on 2 May the Delegation of Mayotte in Paris (DMP) will provide emergency aid to the student and other residents stranded in mainland France. ARS Mayotte Centre Kinga – 90, route Nationale 1 Kaweni – BP 410 – 97600 MAMOUDZOU ... L’ARS de Mayotte pourrait établir ce plan d’appui et la Métropole pourrait envoyer les matériels médicaux et hospitaliers. Ce stade épidémique correspond une circulation active du virus sur l’ensemble du territoire. [78], On 28 April, there was no update on either the site of the Prefecture and on ARS. Two medical evacuation had been carried out recently. [83], On 1 May, there was no official update of the number of cases, however it was announced that there were four more deaths bringing the total to 8. One patient died and 111 patients recovered, raising the total number of recovered patients to 411. [47], A curfew was instituted between 20:00 and 05:00. Le virus Covid 19 circule encore à Mayotte. With a single hospital center for a population of 263,000 inhabitants[44] and precarious living conditions (84% live below the poverty line), there is great concern. Accéder au live . [63] The French government have announced a €200,- grant to all students under 25 stranded in France. [53] On 16 April, Dominique Voynet, Director of Mayotte Regional Health Agency, announced that a person from the Comoros who died on 8 April before being evacuated to Mayotte on the basis of a x-ray of was Said Toihir, the Grand Mufti of the Comoros. La Chambre Régionale de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (CRESS) est financée par l’ARS Mayotte et l’ANCT afin d’appuyer à la création et au développement des entreprises de l’ESS et des filières. Du 3 au 9 janvier, 23 cas de dengue ont été signalés par l’ARS dans 9 communes de l’île. [95], As of 16 August 2020, Mayotte has been officially listed as green, i.e. [86], On 7 May, it was announced that Mayotte would the only department of France for which the lockdown will not be lifted four days later. [3] By that date, 101 cases had been confirmed and ten patients had recovered, leaving 90 active cases. He is currently recovering in Réunion and regaining strength. [61], On 15 April, a group of students from Mayotte in France, have written open letter that they wished to be repatriated because they have been confined in a near empty dormitory for almost a month now.

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