MUSEO FRIDA KAHLO . Los visitantes virtuales inician su recorrido en el exuberante patio exterior de la casa. Along with paintings by both artists, are displayed remarkable popular art pieces, pre-Columbian sculptures, photographs, documents, books and furniture. Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera Archive, Bank of Mexico, Fiduciary in the Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo Museum Trust, Londres 247, Colonia del Carmen, Delegación Coyoacán, CP 04100, Ciudad de México, México, Photo permit to take pictures without flash inside the Museum: $ 30.00. Después de las galerías, los visitantes entran en espacios habitacionales conservados tal y como los dejó la pareja. La Secretaría de Cultura presenta en su plataforma Contigo en la distancia el recorrido virtual de 360 grados del Museo Casa Estudio Diego Rivera y Frida Kahlo. In addition. Un recorrido virtual por el Museo Casa Estudio Diego Rivera y Frida Kahlo. Tu contribución puede ayudarnos en nuestra misión de promover las artes. También fue políticamente activa: entre 1937 y 1939, Kahlo y Rivera acogieron a León Trotsky después de ser exiliado por Stalin. New York, NY 10012 Teléfono: +1 (121) 242 091 60 Sitio web: La artista también falleció en el recinto en 1954, a la corta edad de 47 años. Kahlo nació en esta colorida residencia en 1907, hija de padre judío de ascendencia húngaro-alemana y madre oaxaqueña. It is the typical house of small-town tranquility where good food and sleep give one enough energy to live without major problems and peacefully…”.Carlos Pellicer. The Museum’s administration was entrusted to the Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo Museum Trust at the Bank of Mexico, established by Rivera himself in 1957. To request permission for photography and / or video recording, please complete the form that is attached at the end of this page and send it by email to: To request permission to reproduce the artworks created by Frida Kahlo or Diego Rivera: please contact the Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo Museum Trust, at Banco de México, with your ticket to the Frida Kahlo Museum, you will receive free admission to the Diego Rivera-Anahuacalli Museum, Achieve economic sustainability by opening the doors of the Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera-, Maintain security systems in order to better protect the grounds and estate, Offer our visitors a meaningful experience and excellent service, Obtain sufficient economic funds to preserve and restore the Museum collection and grounds, Expand the offer of the Museum through different cultural activities, thus better involvingthe public in the life and work of Frida Kahlo, Encourage the development of artistic sensibilities as an integral part of people’s lives, Offer a variety of Museum experiences, such as video guides, visits for children, dramatizations and visits tailored to handicapped persons, Train our staff to provide the best possible service while at the same time, preserving the Museum collection, Expand the legacy of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, Guided visits are held in the Museum patios and gardens and dedicated to different areas, Our guides explore the world Frida Kahlo lived in, the environment she grew up in, the, Guided visits are programmed from Tuesday to Friday by appointment only and may be, Visits for children are prepared with special care, taking a didactic approach that seeks to, Our guides tell the children about the world Frida Kahlo lived in, the environment she grew, We offer different experiences for groups aged three to five, six to eight, and nine to, Guided visits for children are programmed from Tuesday to Friday by appointment only, Dramatizations at the Frida Kahlo Museum are performed by an actress who plays the role, Her performance, titled "What do I need feet for, when I have wings to fly," is a pleasant and amusing way for visitors to take a closer look at the life of the emblematic Mexican, This Blue House dramatization is brought to our visitors by the Juana de Asbaje Theater, Performances are held on the last Wednesday of each month. We appreciate your understanding. Celebrando la creatividad y promoviendo una cultura positiva destacando lo mejor que el ser humano tiene que ofrecer, desde lo divertido hasta lo profundo e inspirador. Tanto Kahlo como Rivera simpatizaban con los comunistas, y Kahlo era una ávida partidaria del Partido Comunista Mexicano y de la Unión Soviética. Frida Kahlo | Una visita virtuale alla scoperta della Casa Azul. VIRTUAL TOUR; RELATED MUSEUMS; MUSEO ANAHUACALLI. It is our vision to convey Frida Kahlo’s interest in Mexican culture and identity through the preservation of this House Museum and grounds as well as her personal objects, in order to generate a more memorable experience for visitors. 04620, CDMX. his first mural is located inside the Simón Bolívar Amphitheater of the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso, which was at the time the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria. Last Wednesday of each month; programming subject to change, it is recommended to confirm. EXPOSICIONES ACTUALES. Rivera formed part of the pictorial movement of the first half of the 20th century known as the Mexican School of Painting. Recorrido Virtual del Museo Casa Estudio Diego Rivera y Frida Kahlo Dirección: calle Museo #150, colonia San Pablo Tepetlapa, Alcaldía Coyoacán, C.P. The beautiful garden is an essential part of the Blue House and it gives you access the exhibition of Frida’s Dresses. Museu de Frida Kahlo inaugura visita virtual durante a quarentena ... agora também é possível acrescentar na agendar um tour virtual ao Museu de Frida Kahlo, conhecido como "La Casa Azul". exposiciÓn permanente; exposiciÓn temporal; arquitectura Se você quiser ver a mostra "As aparências enganam, o guarda-roupa de Frida Kahlo", acesse este link: Maximum capacity, 20 people. h/t:[Open Culture], Frida Kahlo: la historia y el simbolismo detrás de 5 de sus pinturas más famosas, 20+ Regalos creativos para los fans de Frida Kahlo, El colorido armario de Frida Kahlo es revelado tras estar escondido por 50 años, Raras y entrañables fotos de Frida Kahlo en los últimos años de su vida. “Painted in blue, inside out, it seems to host a bit of sky. Visita La Casa Azul, lugar donde Frida Kahlo nació, creció y después regresó para vivir sus últimos años. You can not record video in any of the areas of the Museum (interior or exterior). Sofía Vargas es colaboradora y redactora en español para My Modern Met. His murals also beautify other notable Mexican buildings, including the Palacio Nacional, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Escuela Nacional de Agricultura en Chapingo and Palacio de Cortés of the city of Cuernavaca. Anahuacalli; THE MUSEUM. Todo gracias al recorrido virtual que ofrece la página web del recinto.. Los seguidores más fieles de la pintora podrán pasear por el cuarto de Frida Kahlo, así como en los jardines repletos de flores donde pasó la mayor parte de su vida: todo gracias a la tecnología y a … Frida wanted to leave her home as a museum, to learn and enjoy her beloved Mexico. Payments are accepted with MasterCard, VISA and American Express. Para fazer a visita virtual a Museu Frida Kahlo, acesse esse link: During this period of isolation, Google Arts & Culture have opened the doors to La Casa Azul, the Frida Kahlo museum, tucked away in the suburbs of Mexico. Esto te dará una … Ao todo são 17 pontos que podem ser … $ 600.00  does not include the cost of admission to the Museum. En el corazón de Coyoacán está ubicado uno de los espacios artísticos y culturales más visitados en la Ciudad de México. He studied at the Academia de San Carlos, where he acquired his first formal understanding of art. ... O Museu Frida Kahlo, também conhecido como Casa Azul, no México, é um deles. Gracias a sus exposiciones entre los años 30 y 40, Kahlo se dio a conocer internacionalmente dentro del surrealismo, a pesar de que no se consideraba parte del movimiento. No USD are accepted. Diego Rivera died in Mexico City on November 24, 1957. No site oficial do Museu Frida Kahlo, você pode “caminhar” pela casa e conhecer o universo da artista. Partendo dalla sua planimetria, è possibile muoversi all’interno e all’esterno, ammirando gli arredi e alcune tra le opere … INFO: Registered to: Felipe González Carrasco (old license) En él hay una pirámide escalonada que se asemeja a una pirámide maya, y encontramos piezas de arte prehispánico distribuidas por todo el museo. *, Dramatization visits may be reserved by telephone at +52 (55) 5554 5999. It is surrounded by an ample ecological preserve of over forty-two square meters that harbors the flora and fauna of the Pedregal zone of Mexico City. Museum ArchiveThe Archive is currently closed due to restructuring. Open Tuesday to Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ** Temporarily reduced hours due to health contingency, $ 100 pesos General admission$ 80   pesos Mexican visitors presenting an official ID$ 35   pesos Students and teachers showing a valid credential$ 20   pesos Seniors and elementary school students. Our mission is to open the doors of the Frida Kahlo Museum to the public while at the same time, preserving her home and collection in fulfillment of the wishes of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, who willed this legacy to the people of Mexico. From Tuesday to Sunday: from 10:00 a 17:00 h. THE MUSEUM IS CLOSED ON MONDAYS AND ON THE FOLLOWING HOLIDAYS: January 1stMay 1stSeptember 15th (special museum schedules: 10:00 – 2:00 p.m.)September 16thDecember 24th (special museum schedules: 10:00 – 2:00 p.m.)December 25thDecember 31st (special museum schedules: 10:00 – 2:00 p.m.), Londres 247, Colonia del Carmen, Delegación Coyoacán, CP 04100, Ciudad de México, México +52 (55) 5658 5778 MuseoFridaKahlo @MuseoFridaKahlo, $ 230.00  General admission $ 100.00 Mexican citizens with an official ID $ 45.00 Teachers and students with valid ID $ 20.00 Elementary and high school students$ 20.00 Seniors (65+)$ 30.00 Photo permit to take pictures without flash inside the Museum: $ 30.00, $ 270.00  General admission $ 130.00 Mexican citizens with an official ID $ 50.00 Teachers and students with valid ID $ 25.00 Elementary and high school students$ 25.00 Seniors (65+)$ 30.00 Photo permit to take pictures without flash inside the Museum: $ 30.00. Visita virtual a la Casa Azul. rss. INFORMACIÓN PARA … Tickets must be. El museo (establecido en 1958) no solo contiene obras de arte de Kahlo y su esposo Diego Rivera, sino que también contiene evidencia material de la vida de los dos legendarios artistas. SIGUE A MY MODERN MET EN ESPAÑOL EN FACEBOOK. Exposición J.Fín Fín a les … Fue levantada siguiendo el estilo de la época, donde el patio … Turn off your cell phone and other communication devices. El Museo Frida Kahlo está ubicado en la calle de Londres 247, en uno de los barrios más antiguos y bellos de la Ciudad de México, el centro de Coyoacán. does not include the cost of admission to the Museum. $ 700.00 does not include the cost of admission to the Museum. O tour virtual exibe seus famosos autorretratos, objetos pessoais e treze salas de exposições, além da mostra “Aparências Enganam”, que reúne roupas … (Foto: visita virtual del Museo Frida Kahlo). Suscríbete a nuestro Newsletter semanal. Exposición Carlos Pazos GOLDPAZOS. The museography was the task of the museographer, teacher and great Tabasco poet Carlos Pellicer, a very close friend of the couple. INICIO 09/01/2021. El Museo Frida Kahlo ofrece acceso gratuito a los siguientes visitantes: Niños de 6 años o menores, acompañados por sus padres; Personas con capacidades diferentes Respect the delimited areas within the rooms. 5 Pinturas de Johannes Vermeer que muestran por qué es un “maestro de la luz”, La antigua ciudad saudita de Hegra abrirá al público por primera vez en 2,000 años, Juan Soriano: el artista mexicano que vio poesía en el arte, 18 Platillos navideños tradicionales que encontrarás alrededor del mundo, 6 Pinturas de Fernando Botero que celebran su amor por las figuras voluminosas, Explora las obras de Wassily Kandinsky, el artista que pintó la música, Lo mejor de 2020: las 10 instalaciones que definieron un año como ningún otro, Explora los sitios en la lista de Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO desde las alturas, ‘Accidentally Wes Anderson’: la guía de viaje para aventureros que aman la arquitectura pastel, Pueblo japonés organiza un “festival de mangueras de agua” para prepararse contra incendios, 30 Regalos que los amantes de los viajes pueden llevar consigo, 8 Cuadros de Diego Velázquez, el gran maestro del Barroco español.

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