Sein Ziel ist es, für ein nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum zu sorgen. Between 2000 and 2005, demand grew by 4.6%/year and between 2005 and 2009, annual demand growth slowed to 3.7%, mainly due to energy efficiency measures, Becoming a net importer implies a rise in energy prices since the mid-2000s (natural gas is today 8 times more expensive than it was in 2000) and a weak national currency (Dinar, TND) (2010: 1.8 TND=1.0 €; 2012: 2.0 TND=1.0 €; 2015:2.2 TND=1.0 €) makes the imports more expensive. A new law on renewable energies was adopted by Parliament in May 2015. Hence the unbalanced consumption illustrated in Figure 2. The STEG was created by law 62-8 in 1962[24]. En 1983, la première station de dessalement est réalisée dans l’ile de Kerkennah. The grid has three voltages: high (225 kV), medium (150 kV) and low (90 kV). Rocky Mountain Institute will discuss notions on overpumping and how to limit it. Data. It states three principal goals: energy saving, renewable energy promotion and creation of new forms of energy, that favour costs’ reduction as well as the National economy and the environment. La création d’entreprise en France dont celles sous le régime de l’auto-entrepreneur. STEG Energies Renouvelables, created in 2010, this is a branch of the Tunisian Company for Electricity and Gas fully devoted to renewable energies[28]. ANME (Agence Nationale de la Maîtrise de l’Energie, National Agency for Energy Management). Fond de Tranisition Energétique (Energy Transition Fund, FTE), until 2014 Fond National de Maîtrise de l’Energie (National Fund for Energy Management), created in 2005, it helps ANME to provide renewable projects with a financial support (among other subsidies). By June 2014, electricity price subsidies for cement producers’ were completely phased out. Webinar Series: Capacity Building and Learning on Solar Powered Water Systems. Ce secteur occupe une place de choix dans l’économie du pays car il génère 6 000 millions de dinars tunisiens d’exportation chaque année. As a result, the share of oil, including crude oil and petroleum products, has slightly decreased. Measures since 2000 have brought results: Tunisia has reduced its energy intensity by 20%[21]. Households whose consumption surpasses 200 kWh per month have to pay 0.151 TND (0.069 €)/kWh for the first 200 kWh, 0.184 TND (0.084 €)/kWh for the following 100 kWh, 0.280 TND (0.13 €)/kWh for the following 200 kWh, and 0.350 TND (0.16 €) for each kWh above 500 kWh/month. A titre … Figure 1: Primary Energy Consumption since 1990[2], Total Primary Energy Consumption in 2014[3]* (without biomass, PV, SWH, process heat, self-consumption of oil fields, consumption of natural gas pipeline compressor stations), Tunisia's energy production, consumption and import/export balance in 2012[4], % of net imported resources in the total consumption. (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé ; Voir aussi. Toggle navigation United Nations. For more info, see Analysis of the Regulatory Framework for Renewable Energy in Tunisia. As of early 2015, there were only three operational PV installations with a capacity of at least 100 kW: a 149 kWp installation in Sfax[13], a 211 kWp installation operated by the Tunisian potable water supply company SONEDE and a 100 kWp installation in the region of Korba[14], both connected to the medium voltage, and realized by Tunisian installer companies. E-mail Renseignements & Admission:, Adresse: 48, rue des Minéraux - 2035 Charguia I - Tunis (Tunisie), © 2021 Université Internationale de Tunis — UIT, École Supérieure Internationale (SupInter), École Supérieure de Journalisme (ESJ Tunis). The remaining 51% (2,400 ktoe) was imported from Algeria[6]. Tunisie Telecom Sponsor Gold de la 4ème Edition de la Journée Nationale de la Promotion Immobilière It is gross domestic product divided by midyear population. As of August 2016, the new regulatory framework is not yet being implemented. An overall increase in domestic primary energy production from 5,400 ktoe in 1900 to 7,000 ktoe in 2012 could not follow the sharp rise in demand. In February 2006, Tunisia awarded PetroCanada and Anadarko a two-year production sharing agreements (PSAs) with ETAP for the Cape Sirat and Bashtar blocks. In order to reduce its dependency from Algerian gas, Tunisia needs to diversify its electric mix and extend its interconnections. Between 1990 and 2000, consumption increased at a rate of 6.2%/year. Indirect subsidies are the difference between supply costs of crude oil and gas for the State, and the selling prices to the two public operators STIR for oil and STEG for natural gas. Thus, expenses for energy represented 13.7% of GDP in 2012 − with expenses on energy import representing 16.8% of the global imports. Furthermore, a 400 kV high voltage sea cable with a capacity of 1,000 MW binding North Africa to Europe via Tunisia and Italy is currently discussed[18]. 107,000 GWh or 385 PJ), without biomass. The law No. العربية; 中文; English; Français; Русский; Español; Download the Word Document Important. It refers to people living in rural areas as defined by national statistical offices. The objective of this law is to promote private investment in renewables to contribute to the 30/30 objective of the Tunisian Solar Plan. Sousse. Installed power plant capacity in MW (excluding small scale PV)[3]. Figure 2: From a Net-Exporter to a Net-Importer[7]. Solar Powered Water Systems (SPWS) in Humanitarian Context – Making Sense of SPWS Expansion - This webinar, second in the four-part series, will discuss the different parameters for solarization of existing water schemes in the humanitarian context. The amount of biofuel and waste slightly increased (58 PJ in 2011), and currently represents 15 % of the primary energy supply. L'Université Internationale de Tunis organise une conférence sur la gestion de projet en Entreprise avec la participation de Monsieur Anis BEN ABID chef de département achats et moyens généraux à Total Tunisie et expert en gestion des projets. Objectifs, moyens et enjeux. This page has been accessed 232,418 times. en fr Home Data Catalog Gallery SDG COVID-19. It is estimated as energy use less production, both measured in oil equivalents. Enterprises are responsible for the accuracy of the information they declare. Regarding grid-connected renewables, the total installed capacity of renewable energy was an estimated of 312 MW in early 2016 (245 MW of wind energy, 62 MW of hydropower and 25 MW of PV), that was 6% of the total capacity[3]. Electricity is generated almost exclusively from combustible fossil fuels: 93 % natural gas, 7 % heavy fuel with only a tiny share left to renewables (3% in 2013[11]). As shown in Figure 1, the sharpest increase is to be noticed in the gas sector, which represented 55 % of the primary energy supply in 2012. payback periods and cost savings). It is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship--except for refugees not permanently settled in the country of asylum, who are generally considered part of the population of their country of origin. It is calculated as the difference between total population and urban population. STEG controls the Tunisian grid and holds a monopoly on electricity transportation and distribution. Exploration and exploitation of conventional and unconventional fossil resources are carried outin order to address the demand and limit importations. Bourse de Tunis (Tunisie) dépêches économiques et financières, cours boursier et cotation en direct de la Bourse de Tunis, fiches signalétiques, analyse boursière en accès gratuit et illimité, analyses par les experts et professionnels de la Bourse des Valeurs Mobilières de Tunis. Devant le nombre des sortants des filières universitaires qui se retrouvent au chômage et la situation précaire de différents secteurs professionnels, des organisations gouvernementales et des entreprises essaient de booster l’économie tunisienne via l’accompagnement des start-up. Objectifs, moyens et enjeux. Dafür schafft es die nötigen ordnungs- und wirtschaftspolitischen Rahmenbedingungen. A negative value indicates that the country is a net exporter. DGE (Direction Générale de l’Energie, Directorate-General for Energy) is a sub-department of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines. Figure 3 shows the development goals by technology.The Tunisian Solar Plan was updated in 2014, and a new update is planned for 2015. In 2012, energy subsidies amounted to 5,600 million TND (3,100 million EUR), i.e. en Tunisie dans le futur. GIZ, Le marché solaire thermique en Tunisie. Pendant les années 90, la SONEDE a réalisé les stations de dessalementdes eaux saumâtres de Gabès, Djerba et Zarzis. IOM UN Migration will then discuss the economic considerations for solar pumping schemes (eg. In 2014, energy prices were raised by approximately 10% in total in order to reduce subsidies. GIZ, Secretariat of the German-Tunisian Energy Partnership. AGIL (Société Nationale de Distribution des Pétroles, National Company of Oil Distribution) shares the oil distribution market with some private companies (s.a. Total, Shell, BP, etc.)[27]. 2020-2021 Budget – Measures concerning the Registraire des entreprises; Bill 78: An Act mainly to improve the transparency of enterprises; Québec Enterprise Number (NEQ) Modernizing the Registraire des Entreprises. The Action Plan also foresees an independent regulator in the electricity market. STEG is the national utility, it holds a monopoly. On the general low voltage, tariffs depend on the sector of the consumer (residential or non-residential) and the consumption per month in kWh. Forecasts from the ANME expected the consumption to double by 2030 without implementation of a comprehensive action, therefore energy efficiency should be further strengthened. A gas interconnection with Italy already exists (“Gazoduc”), currently being used to transport Algerian gas to Europe. Le blocage des sites d'information, les entraves à la distribution des livres et des publications, et les restrictions placées sur la liberté d'association sont au nombre des graves disfonctionnements de la presse en Tunisie. STEG (Société Tunisienne de l’Electricité et du Gaz, Tunisian Company for Electricity and Gas) is the national energy producer, TSO and supplier. Subsidies should decrease from 1.3 billion Euros (2.7 billion TND) to 0.9 billion Euros (1.96 billion TND) in order to use the saved money in investment projects[20]. Tunisia is a small country located in Northern Africa sharing borders with Algeria and Libya. Réseau 4G Tunisie Telecom Passez à la vitesse de téléchargement la plus rapide, vérifiée par Speedtest® de Ookla® (A Tunis, Bizerte, Sousse et Sfax de Janvier à Mars 2020) {bf5d4fbc-3611-468f-9539-4a9ed2b8ed82} An electric interconnection with Italy with a 400 kV submarine cable is currently being considered. The implementation bylaws of the RE law were approved by the Council of Ministers in July 2016. Das SECO ist das Kompetenzzentrum des Bundes für alle Kernfragen der Wirtschaftspolitik. Since 1990, the Tunisian primary energy consumption has increased in a roughly linear way, with approximately 4,500 ktoe in 1990, 6,700 ktoe in 2000 and 8,300 ktoe in 2010 (without biomass). Tunisia Census Data, January 2015. In addition, some power plants and facilities are out-dated and can no longer cope with the actual load of the network; hence, overload, losses and high voltage drops occur on a regular basis. Created in 1972, this stated-owned company plans oil and gas explorations and manage national gas and petroleum wealth[25]. ETAP (Entreprise Tunisienne des Activités Pétrolières, Tunisian Refining Industry Company). It may be used for import and export later on: complementary daily and annual production and consumption profiles of North Africa and Europe can create synergies. The installed capacity was of 4,799 MW in 2014[1] ‒ with the biggest share (4,492 MW/94%) provided by natural gas fired thermal power stations. En effet, sur ces zones géographiques, les besoins des petites entreprises -entre 0 et 19 salariés- vont croissant alors que 60% des emplois du conseil sont concentrés en Ile-de-France ! Furthermore, there is a strong need for institutional and budget reforms in the energy sector since the current situation drastically differs from the one 20 years ago. The growing economy of Tunisia and rise of living standards contributed to a significant increase in the electricity consumption leading to ever more often grid saturation. In terms of electricity production this meant 3% of this an annual production in 2013: 2.6% (357.8 GWh) from wind turbines and 0.4% (60.1 GWh) from hydropower[11]. Le troisième constructeur automobile parmi les cinq plus grandes entreprises allemandes a produit en 2018 près de 2,5 millions de véhicules avec ses marques BMW, Mini et Rolls-Royce. Ses points forts s’articulent notamment dans la production et vente du coût minute. L'histoire; Les chiffres clés; Les activités; Les usines Nestlé en France; Fiche d'identité du Groupe; Qualité & Sécurité ; Recherche & Développement; Nestlé en France. Resulting from the economic development, primary energy demand has risen in a significantly steeper way than production. In medium voltage, capacities in commercial sector range between 25 and 100 kW[12]. Regarding the off-grid use of renewable energies, 11,000 decentralised PV systems have been installed[13]. Siemens. p. 23, Solar Powered Water Systems (SPWS) in Humanitarian Context – Making Sense of SPWS Expansion, Publication - Strengthening Quality Infrastructure for Photovoltaics in Tunisia, Publication - Renforcement de l’infrastructure qualité pour l’énergie photovoltaïque, Atelier sur l'état des lieux des installations photovoltaïques moyenne tension, Journée d’information sur les expériences de la Municipalité de Sfax en matière d’Efficacité Énergétique et d’Energies Renouvelables, Contrat de promesse de bail pour centrale PV sur un terrain privé, Atelier de présentation des contrats EPC et O&M, Atelier d’échange sur les meilleures pratiques en exploitation et maintenance (O&M) pour les centrales PV en Tunisie, Promotion du Photovoltaïque dans le secteur AGR/IAA en Tunisie, Atelier de démarrage de l'étude sur l’actualisation du Plan Solaire Tunisien à l’horizon 2030 et sa programmation, Atelier de présentation des résultats de l'enquête sur le marché des entreprises privées actives dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables en Tunisie, Rencontre des Tables Rondes Energie Solaire (TRES) de Sfax, Gabès et Jendouba, Les opportunités de l’énergie photovoltaïque pour les municipalités, Enquête : Femmes et emploi dans les entreprises privées du secteur de la maîtrise de l’énergie en Tunisie, Atelier sur les opportunités du photovoltaïque dans le secteur agricole et agroalimentaire à Gabès, Atelier Sur Les Opportunités Du Photovoltaïque Dans Le Secteur Hôtelier Au Sud-Est, Atelier Sur la Promotion De l'Autoproduction Photovoltaïque Dans Le Secteur Hôtelier A Sfax, Promotion de l’entrepreneuriat et du profil technico-commercial dans le secteur photovoltaïque, Rencontre avec la société civile - Bizerte, Campagne nationale de Mesure des performances des installations photovoltaïques, Hohenheim Milk Cooling System - Implementation in Tunisia, National Approaches to Electrification – Review of Options, Séminaire « Le Financement des Projets Photovoltaïques pour l’Autoconsommation par le Leasing », Formation Spécifique aux Jeunes Diplômés Chômeurs, Accompagnement des Centres de Formation en PV selon l'Approche Duale, Installateur-Mainteneur des Systèmes Photovoltaïques Raccordés au Réseau, Dialogue "Financement des Projets d’Energies Renouvelables sous le Régime des Autorisations", Renewable Energy Regional Conference - SIED 2017, Promotion of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency in Tunisia, Employment, Qualification and Economic Effects - Energy Situation in Tunisia, Renewable Energy Potential for Electricity Generation in Tunisia, Réalisation des audits énergétiques et des émissions CO2 des cimenteries tunisiennes, Mise en Oeuvre d’un Projet de Démonstration Pour un Marché du Carbone Sectoriel dans l’Industrie du Ciment en Tunisie, International Conference on Renewable Energy Development & Applications for a Sustainable Agriculture (RE & Agri), Appui du secteur cimentier tunisien pour l'investissement dans les énergies renouvelables, Workshop et B2B pour les Investissements à Tozeur, Workshop and B2B Sessions for Investments in PV for Tunisian Enterprises in Monastir, Workshop and B2B Sessions for Investments in PV for Tunisian Enterprises in Sfax, Workshop and B2B Sessions for Investments in PV for Tunisian Enterprises, Dynamic Cash Flow Analysis of Photovoltaic Projects in Tunisia, Tunisia - UNEP Solar Water Heating Equipment Finance Program, Analysis of the Regulatory Framework for Renewable Energy in Tunisia, Strengthening Quality Infrastructure for Photovoltaics, Renforcement de l'infrastructure qualité pour l'énergie photovoltaïque, Strengthening Quality Infrastructure for Solar Thermal Energy, Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Tunisia,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Carthage Power Company (CPC): Radès II Power Station (natural gas fired plant, total capacity 480 MW) started operation in 2002 under the terms of a build own operate (BOO) agreement and by 2010 was responsible for 21% of national production, Societe d’Electricite d’El Bibane (SEEB): Tunisia’s second IPP, two 13.5 MW gas turbines that went on line in 2003.

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