He must be of good morals and of grand probity. The hymn of the Republic is l’Abidjanaise. The Constitutional Council proclaims the definitive results of the presidential elections. It has jurisdictional, supervisory and advisory responsibilities. It is committed to guaranteeing the access of vulnerable persons to healthcare services, education, employment, culture, sports and leisure. No member of the Constitutional Council can be, during the term of his mandate, prosecuted, arrested, detained or judged in [a] criminal or correctional matter without the authorization of the Council. Factbook > Countries > Cote d'Ivoire > Government. REPUBLIQUE DE COTE D'IVOIRE Union‐Discipline‐Travail ORDONNE Ordonnance n° 2012‐03. The magistrate is protected against all forms of interference, pressure, interventions or maneuvers, proving harmful to the accomplishment of his mission. The text can only be adopted by the National Assembly with the majority of 2/3 of its members. The Mediator of the Republic is the gracious intercessor between the Administration and the constituents. The official duties of member of the Government are incompatible with the exercise of any public-sector employment and any professional activity. OF THE TERRITORIAL COLLECTIVITIES. The end of the crisis is recognized by a message from the President of the Republic to the Nation. The Constitutional Council controls the regularity of the operations of the referendum and proclaims the results. The President of the Republic is informed of any negotiation for the conclusion of an international agreement not subject to ratification. However, proxy voting is permitted when a member of Parliament is prevented by illness, by the performance of a mandate or a mission entrusted to him by the Government or the Parliament, by fulfilling his military obligations or by any other justified reason. The Supreme Court supervises the implementation of the law by judiciary and administrative orders. The defense of the Nation and of the integrity of the territory is a duty for all Ivoirians. No member of Parliament may, during the sessions, be prosecuted or arrested in criminal or correctional matters without the authorization of the house of which he is a member, except in the case of flagrante delicto. The Prime Minister substitutes the President of the Republic when he is absent from the national territory. The attributions, the organization and the functioning of the Mediator of the Republic are established by an organic law. La présente loi sera publiée au Journal officiel de la république de Côte d'Ivoire et exécutée comme loi de l'État. During the performance of his official duties, the President of the Republic may not, by himself or by anyone else, acquire or lease anything that belongs to the domain of the State and to the public communities without prior authorization of the Court of Auditors under the conditions set forth in the law. The organic laws are those which have for their object the direction [de regir] of the different Institutions, structures and systems specified or qualified as such by the Constitution. Everyone has the right to a fair trial and to judgment rendered within a reasonable period as determined by law. He must be exclusively of Ivoirian nationality, born of a father or mother of Ivoirian origin. No one can be prosecuted, arrested, detained [gardé à vue] or charged, except by virtue of a law previously promulgated to the acts of which he is accused. The Superior Council of the Magistrature comprehends: — The President of the Court of Cassation, Vice President of right; — The President of the Court of Accounts; — The Procurator General before the Court of Cassation; — Six persons from outside of the Magistrature of which three principals [titulaires] and three substitutes are appointed in equal number by the President of the Republic and the President of the National Assembly; — Three magistrates of the Bench of which two principals and one substitute[,] and three magistrates of the Office of the Public Prosecutor [Parquet] of which two principals and one substitute, are designated by their peers. Inadmissibility is declared by the President of each house. Male: (2014) 50.7% Female: (2014) 36.8% GNI (U.S.$ ’000,000) (2017) 37,488 GNI per capita (U.S.$) (2017) 1,540. The Constitution also stipulates that the executive and the National Assembly share the power to initiate legislation, but the pertinent article appears in the chapter dealing with executive--not legislative--responsibilities. The President of the Republic may not tender to the markets of the State and public communities. Whenever the Institutions of the Republic, the independence of the Nation, the integrity of its territory or the execution of its international commitments are threatened in a grave and immediate manner, and that the regular functioning of the constitutional public powers is interrupted, the President of the Republic takes the exceptional measures required by those circumstances after [the] obligatory consultation of the President of the National Assembly and of that of the Constitutional Council. The right of everyone to free and equal access to justice is protected and guaranteed. TITLE XI Le 13/03/20 à 00:11. modifié 13/03/20 à 00:11 . The independent Commission responsible for organizing the referendum, the presidential, legislative and local government elections, under the conditions prescribed by law, is an independent administrative authority. If the Constitutional Council, called upon by the President of the Republic, the President of the National Assembly or Senate or by at least one-tenth of deputies or senators, has declared that an international treaty or agreement contains a clause contrary to the Constitution, authorization to ratify it may take place only after review by the Constitution. Political Parties or Groups created on regional, confessional, tribal, ethnic or racial bases, are forbidden. Everyone has the right to choose their profession or employment freely. Côte d'Ivoire Politics UN call for constitutional reform in Côte d'Ivoire. The composition of the Economic and Social Council and the rules of its functioning are established by an organic law. In both cases, the election of the President of the Republic and the Vice-President of the Republic is held within a period that may not exceed thirty days from the decision of the Constitutional Council. He must never have had [prévaloir] another nationality. The motto of the Republic is: Union, Discipline, Work. To be taken into consideration, the bill or the proposal of revision must be voted by the National Assembly with the majority of 2/3 of its members effectively in [their] functions. C’est parti pour une nouvelle modification de la Constitution en Côte d’Ivoire. OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL. The first round of voting takes place on the last Saturday of the month of October in the fifth year of the term of the President of the Republic and the Vice-President of the Republic in office. The organization and supervision of the referendum and of the elections is assured by an Independent Commission within the conditions provided by the law. Institutions, the secular private sector and religious communities may also contribute to the education of children, under the conditions determined by law. On the decision, the Constitution of Côte d'Ivoire adopted in 2000 is very clear in its article 98: "Article 98 The decisions of the Constitutional Council are not subject to appeal. The State assures to all citizens equal access to health, to education, to culture, to information, to professional formation and to employment. He can equally, within the same time period, demand and obtain of right that this deliberation can only take place at the time of the ordinary session following the session during which the text was adopted in [its] first reading. Cette constitution est la quatrième constitution adoptée par la Côte d'Ivoire, après celles de 1959, 1960 et de 2000. The Constitutional Council rules within fifteen days from the date of its referral. Economic, social, environmental and cultural draft laws are submitted to it for its opinion. The constitution establishes the judiciary as an independent branch of the government but places it under the authority of the president. Everyone has the duty to respect and protect them. The High Court of Justice is bound by the definition of the crimes and misdemeanors and by the determination of the resultant penalties of the penal laws in force at the time of the acts accounted for in the prosecution. Voters are, under the conditions determined by law, all Ivoirian nationals of both sexes of at least eighteen years of age and enjoying their civil and political rights. The provisions of Article 60 paragraphs 2 and 3 apply to members of the Government during their official duties. OF THE FREEDOMS, OF THE RIGHTS, AND OF THE DUTIES, CHAPTER I Growth has been accompanied by a modest decline in poverty, but other human … The Constitutional Council controls the regularity of the operations of the referendum and of the election of the representatives of the people. Every citizen, invested with a public mandate or entrusted with a public employment or with a mission of public service, has the duty to accomplish it with conscience, loyalty and probity. The public assets are inviolable. It thereafter comes under the conditions prescribed in Article 110. The traditional chieftaincy participates, under the conditions determined by a law, in the administration of the territory. It is exclusively ensured by the national defense and security forces, under the conditions determined by law. Until the implementation of the other Institutions, the Institutions established continue to exercise their functions and attributions conforming to the laws and regulations in force. Covid-19: 152 nouveaux cas enregistrés ce 04 janvier 2021 en Cote d'Ivoire; Centrafrique : Le Pdt sortant Faustin-Archange déclaré réélu dès le 1er tour avec 53,92% des voix, selon les résultats provisoires. The National Assembly and the Senate meet in Joint Session at the request of the President of the Republic. The President of the Republic is the head of the Administration. This Constitution, contrary to the first, indicates transitory dispositions in Article 76, which states that “the legislation currently in use in Côte d’Ivoire remains applicable until availability of new texts, if it does not contain anything contrary to the current Constitution”. Cote d’Ivoire continued the process of moving away from the successive and bloody political crises of 2000-11, with the United Nations ending a 13 … It is the duty of every resident to fulfill their tax obligations in accordance with the law.
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